Why do we consistently fail to prioritise ourselves? 

Perhaps it’s because we were constantly told to show kindness and love to others around us and not doing so was selfish. I agree, everyone around us should be happy and if we make them happy we’re doing something right, but we should never stop loving ourselves.

The issue is, when we’re so used to giving what we have to others, sometimes we can forget to care for ourselves, forget to love ourselves and often help ourselves when we begin to struggle, because we’re so invested in caring for others that need help, which is why we should always put our needs before those of others. 

You’ll feel more self-assured as a result. Many of us have lack of confidence from time to time, which can genuinely harm how we view ourselves. If our SELF…ESTEEM is low, we won’t feel any confidence at all. Putting ourselves first will boost our SELF…ESTEEM and the way we view ourselves.

Having confidence means that we are comfortable and that we value ourselves as much as we value others. At the end of the day, you earned your money, so there’s nothing wrong with wanting to treat YOUR…SELF every now and then. However, there may be times when you feel as though you should give it to your loved ones instead. If this is the case, treat YOUR…SELF by getting a new hairstyle, getting your nails done, or going on a shopping spree. It’s ok to show yourself some self-love, so don’t be afraid to do it.

We frequently neglect to simply unwind. Of course, it’s challenging when we have full schedules and are unable to simply relax with a cup of tea or visit a spa. However, there are times when we simply need to detox from the busy life and take a nice bubble bath, have a glass of wine, eat some cake, and just breathe. Sometimes we choose to put others before ourselves; if they are having issues, we are there to help them and comfort them.

It’s possible that we become so preoccupied with their problems that we neglect our own needs, let them affect us negatively, or just neglect taking care of ourselves. This can lead to depression.

However, you won’t be kind to YOUR…SELF or anybody else if you’re unhappy, stressed out, or exhausted. When you’re on track and in excellent health, never forget to take care of YOUR…SELF and your mental wellbeing. Only then can you help people around you who need it.

You are allowing people to take advantage of you if you consistently say “yes” to things that you truly don’t want to do. Being helpful and kind is one thing, but you should never allow YOUR…SELF to be treated as a pushover by others. Some individuals will take it for granted if you are overly kind or charming. They could not value you for sacrificing your free time to be there for them, even though they don’t always appreciate everything you do for them. If you let them, certain people will take advantage of your goodness.

Putting YOUR…SELF first and being selfish are two very different things. Being selfish entails being self-absorbed and showing no regard for anyone or anything outside YOUR…SELF. Being as compassionate to yourself as you are to others entails putting YOUR…SELF first. It entails looking after yourself in order to be more organised, productive, and a better person in general. It simply entails loving oneself a little bit more, which is neither selfish nor unnecessary.

Your connections and friendships with others will improve as a result of feeling better and liking yourself a little bit more, as opposed to feeling depressed and exhausted because you don’t just have the “time” for yourself. If they care about you, they will understand that you come first even if you don’t always put them first.

Taking care of your mental wellness is equally as important as your physical look. Have you ever realised that when you finally reach the weekend after a chaotic, stressful week of working long hours and feeling stressed, you wake up unwell and having to stay in bed? If you don’t put yourself first, your body will make you do it, and this is the result. Similar to exercise, if you don’t take a break from it occasionally, your body will become so exhausted that you’ll need to stop.

The most significant result of all of this is an improvement in your connection with yourself. You won’t be able to truly know who you are or how strong you are, or how to help yourself when you’re down, until you learn to put yourself first. You’ll learn things about yourself that you never imagined were possible, and you’ll start to value yourself more. Of course, you’ll support the people that matter to you, but you won’t allow them take advantage of you.

You will learn your likes and dislikes because before you did not have the opportunity to do so, because you kept putting yourself last. Being your own priority and taking care of and loving yourself is the key to happiness and healthy relationships with other people.

Remember to take some time for yourself; it’s okay to require a day or two alone. Never feel guilty for prioritising yourself since doing so is necessary if you want to live a health and happy life. When you are in need of assistance, love those around you, but don’t allow them take advantage of you. 

Just keep in mind that you are valuable, that you come first, and that you are the only person who matters if you want to feel better both emotionally and physically. 

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