The Slippery Slope: Falling into Bad Habits and Letting Go of Good Ones. 

In our pursuit of self-improvement and personal growth, cultivating good habits is considered paramount. However, it is dishearteningly easy to slip into bad habits and relinquish the positive routines we’ve spent significant time and effort building. In this post, we will explore the tendency to fall into bad habits effortlessly and why giving up good habits can become a frustrating experience.

1️⃣ The allure of instant gratification:

One of the primary reasons behind the ease of developing bad habits is the allure of instant gratification. Bad habits often offer quick and seemingly pleasurable outcomes, providing immediate satisfaction without considering the long-term consequences. Whether it’s indulging in unhealthy food, wasteful spending, or procrastination, their immediate rewards make it difficult to resist.

2️⃣ The power of repetition:

The formation of habits often relies on repetition. When we frequently engage in a particular behaviour, it becomes ingrained in our daily routines, making it challenging to break the cycle. Bad habits tend to require less willpower to maintain due to repetition, while good habits often demand consistent effort, making them easier to abandon.

3️⃣ The influence of external factors:

Our environment and the people around us have a significant impact on our habits. Peer pressure, societal norms, and ingrained cultural behaviours can exert a strong influence, often nudging us toward bad habits. In contrast, maintaining good habits may require resisting societal pressure and making intentional choices, which can be exhausting and discouraging, leading to a higher chance of abandonment.

4️⃣ Emotionally-driven decision making:

Our emotions play a vital role in habit formation and elimination. During challenging times, stress, boredom, sadness, or frustration can weaken our willpower and trigger the return to old, bad habits. Conversely, giving up a good habit may occur when we fail to recognise the emotional benefits they bring, or the immediate rewards are overshadowed by temporary negative emotions.

5️⃣ Lacking a support system:

Building and maintaining good habits often benefit from a robust support system. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who share our goals and values can provide encouragement, motivation, and accountability. On the flip side, if we lack a supportive circle, the absence of a positive influence can make giving up good habits more tempting, as we may feel unsupported and isolated.


While the ease of falling into bad habits and giving up good habits can feel disheartening, it is crucial to remember that self-improvement takes time and persistence. By understanding the reasons behind these tendencies, we can better equip ourselves to combat them. Harnessing the power of self-awareness, motivation, discipline, and creating an environment conducive to growth can help us navigate this treacherous path. Remember, change is a journey, and setbacks are not failures if we learn and recommit ourselves to progress.

Great habits sharpen our thoughts and make us great.