SELF…CARE means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in your life. 

SELF…CARE is an essential component of everyone’s daily routine; it is neither selfish nor a luxury. Burnout and stress can have a severe impact on your physical and mental health as well as your interpersonal relationships; self care helps prevent these things. By getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food (you can have the occasionally treat), exercising frequently, and spending time relaxing or doing things that make you happy, it also helps to maintain your emotional well-being.

SELF…CARE is vital for building resilience toward those pressures in life that you can’t be avoided. When you’ve taken steps to care for your mind and body, you’ll be better equipped to live your best life. Unfortunately, however, many people view self-care as a luxury, rather than a priority. Consequently, they’re left feeling overwhelmed, tired, and ill-equipped to handle life’s inevitable challenges. SELF…CARE is important because it helps us to maintain balance and re-energise ourselves.

It’s important to assess how you’re caring for yourself in several different domains so you can ensure you’re caring for your mind, body, and spirit. By engaging in activities that promote well-being and reduce stress, it enhances our ability to live fully, vibrantly, and effectively. The practice of SELF…CARE also reminds both you and others that your needs are valid and a priority.

Why is SELF…CARE important?

SELF…CARE  is crucial to leading a happy and healthy existence. Taking charge of your health requires taking care of both your physical and emotional needs. 

We all lead increasingly busy lives, and it can be simple to forget to prioritise your needs, particularly if you have a lot on your plate and other people to take care of. However, taking care of yourself will improve your mood, and the happier you are, the more successful you will be in all aspects of your life, from work to relationships. 

SELF…CARE doesn’t have to be expensive or require a significant time commitment. It might be having a bath, unwinding with a nice book, going for a stroll outside, or indulging in your favourite food. It’s about making a commitment to putting yourself first, even just for a while.

What are the benefits of SELF…CARE ?

SELF…CARE has a number of benefits, most of which are connected. Committing to self-care should improve your wellbeing all round.

SELF…CARE can improve your physical health

A big part of SELF…CARE is committing to looking after your body and becoming more attuned with its needs. Whether it’s brushing your teeth, exercising more or getting enough sleep each night, part of any programme of self-care should focus on looking after your physical health.

SELF…CARE can reduce stress and anxiety

Making time for relaxing activities, such as reading a book, listening to music or taking a yoga class or practicing meditation, is another common theme of SELF…CARE .

Any activity that makes you feel more relaxed can help to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety and to lift your mood.

SELF…CARE can boost your self-esteem

As well as helping to calm your nerves, taking time to relax and look after yourself can have a positive impact on the way you see yourself: treating yourself with kindness can make you look upon yourself more kindly.

Studies have found that people with higher self-esteem find it easier to deal with setbacks and are more likely to achieve goals of self-improvement.

SELF…CARE protects your mental health

Making changes to prioritise SELF…CARE can help to manage mental health issues and might even prevent them from getting worse.4

Of course, self-care is not a substitute for professional help, and you shouldn’t feel you have to tackle your problems alone. If your mental health is suffering, you should always talk to someone.

However, if you’re looking to improve your mental wellbeing, taking the time to care for yourself both mentally and physically is really important.

Prioritised SELF…CARE in order to manage mental health difficulties and perhaps even stop them from getting worse. 

SELF…CARE is obviously not a replacement for professional help, and you shouldn’t feel that you have to solve your problems by yourself. You should always talk to someone if your mental health is suffering. 

But it’s crucial to take the time to look after your physical and mental health if you want to enhance your mental wellbeing.

SELF…CARE can lead to better relationships

It makes sense if you think about it: the happier and healthier you are, the more you can give to a relationship.

This is especially important if you are a parent or carer. It can be so easy to put someone else’s needs first, but you must look after your own health too.

There are various ways you might practise SELF…CARE in your daily life, including: 

Practice meditation: Meditation is a wonderful kind of SELF…CARE . It can not only help you manage stress, alleviate anxiety and sadness, but it can also improve both your physical and mental health. Meditation is a powerful tool because it gives you the ability to control your thoughts and emotions, while also helping you increase focus and attention. This combination allows you to feel more calm, relaxed and focused on what matters most in your life.

Get a good nights sleep – Sleep is one of the most important parts of your life. After all, we spend roughly a third of our lives sleeping. Sleep makes it possible for your body to recover from the day’s difficulties and gives you energy to tackle tomorrow’s challenges. When you’re sleeping well, everything else in your life seems easier. Adults should get approximately 6-8 hours of quality sleep per night. Anything less than that could negatively impact your health and overall well-being. 

Take up Yoga – Yoga offers an opportunity to practise SELF…CARE in addition to being a kind of exercise. Exercise in a way that feels good for your body, such as yoga, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water. It’s a form of exercise that incorporates breathing, meditation, and certain body positions to help you achieve a state of both physical and mental well-being. Not to mention that it’s terrific for your body and a fantastic method to reduce stress and lift your mood.

Making healthy lifestyle choices – Food probably doesn’t come to mind when you think of taking care of yourself. The secret to health and happiness, though, is attentive eating. While providing energy for our bodies, food also serves as a source of solace, happiness, and celebration. We establish connections with our body and the outside world when we eat. The fundamental principle of mindful eating is to pay attention to both what and how we consume.

Avoiding unhealthy lifestyle habits – Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

Things to remember 

There are certain things to bear in mind as you begin to practise SELF…CARE . It’s crucial to remember that self care is a continuous process and should not be considered a luxury or something we do when we have free time. SELF…CARE should be viewed as an active activity that can be challenging at first but quickly becomes second nature. Remember that this is something that’s beneficial for everyone: not just people who are struggling with their mental health, but also those who want to feel better about themselves or have more energy to enjoy life. 

Additionally, SELF…CARE involves your ideas and feelings about life in general as well as what occurs outside of yourself. It’s normal if some days feel easier for you than others to take care of what you need for yourself. If there are days when things are difficult, it’s crucial to not feel awful about this or guilt-trip yourself into feeling sorry (which they inevitably will). Instead, make note of those instances so that you may use them as teaching opportunities and as guidance on how to handle similar situations in the future.

SELF…CARE is not selfish. You must fill your own cup before you can pour into others.

It’s time for you to practice a little SELF…CARE . You deserve it.