SELF-CONFIDENCE is a quality that promotes and strengthens your belief in your own abilities, giving you a sense of control in your life. 

SELF-CONFIDENCE enables individuals to develop faith in their competencies and to trust their own judgments, decisions and skills. Professionals who possess high levels of self-confidence are more likely to tackle difficult tasks and complex issues. SELF-CONFIDENCE people might be able to analyse their strengths and limitations and evaluate situations impartially to offer answers to issues. When you know your strengths and weakness well, you gain a positive view of yourself. You set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism.

On the other hand, low self-confidence might make you feel insecure, make you docile or weak, or make it difficult for you to trust other people. You could be sensitive to criticism, feel unwanted, or inferior. Depending on the circumstance, you might not always feel self-assured. You might, for instance, have a high level of confidence in certain areas, like academics, but a low level of confidence in others, like relationships. 

SELF-CONFIDENCE is largely based on your beliefs and is rarely tied to your actual ability. Your views about yourself are called perceptions, and they may be incorrect.

Low SELF-CONFIDENCE might stem from different experiences, such as growing up in an unsupportive and critical environment, being separated from your friends or family for the first time, judging yourself too harshly, or being afraid of failure. People with low SELF-CONFIDENCE often have errors in their thinking.

Even though the two notions are similar, SELF-CONFIDENCE and self-esteem are different. An individual’s capacity to value themselves is referred to as self-esteem. SELF-CONFIDENCE is the belief in one’s own skills, particularly in the face of a task or obstacle. People with high self-esteem, for instance, could still experience a lack of self-confidence while performing a task they are unfamiliar with.

You are most confident when you are being true to YOUR…SELF 

Let’s give this some thought. When you wear clothes that make you feel and look fabulous it makes you feel on top of the world, however, if you start wearing clothes that don’t make you feel comfortable or feel good just because someone else is wearing them you won’t feel as confident.

SELF-CONFIDENCE is important for success as it provides you with the belief in your ability to believe in yourself to be able to conquer obstacles of all shapes and sizes. It frequently takes constant contemplation and practise to build confidence. By taking the necessary efforts to boost your SELF-CONFIDENCE, you might feel more at ease leading meetings, networking, conducting interviews, and serving in a leadership capacity.

How Can You Boost Your Self-Confidence?

* Recognise and play up your strengths. Praise and reward yourself for your efforts and progress. 

* Be gentle and compassionate to yourself when you encounter a challenge. Avoid dwelling on failure. 

* Set realistic and achievable goals. Expecting perfection is unrealistic since no one can ever achieve perfection in all facets of life. 

* When experiencing strong emotions, take a moment to calm down and think about the situation logically. 

* Refrain from making assumptions about you, other people, or circumstances. 

* Realise that your future is not determined by the bad experiences you have had in the past. 

* Directly and politely express your demands, opinions, and feelings. 

* Learn to say NO, when you don’t want to do something 

If you require additional assistance, individual counselling can also help in boosting your self-esteem.