SELF…DEVELOPMENT  is a process of consciously improving oneself in various aspects of his or her life. Learning new things and developing new skills is the process of SELF…DEVELOPMENT. These skills improve our chances of success, helping us reach our goals and manifesting our dreams. 

 When we work on SELF…DEVELOPMENT, we build the social, emotional, and practical abilities we need to succeed in our goals. 

Learning SELF…DEVELOPMENT has changed my life. 20 years ago, I had just got divorced, become a single mum to 2 young boys and was 4/5 stone overweight. As you can imagine I was going through all sorts of emotions. But thanks to SELF…DEVELOPMENT and a change in mindset I have become a successful entrepreneur, opening 2 salons, created an portal for the hair, beauty and wellness industry and now creating programs on how to develop a positive mindset, how to overcome obstacles that are holding you back, how to start or grow a purpose driven business, how to detox stress, and how to increase your personal happiness. 


SELF…DEVELOPMENT is the actions we take to learn new things and acquire new skills—skills that assist us to raise our chances of succeeding, achieving our goals, and manifesting our dreams. 

When we work on SELF…DEVELOPMENT, we get good at the social, emotional, and practical skills that we need so that we can accomplish what we set out to do. So it’s easier, and we have more success.

Want to improve your life? So what personal self development skills do you need?

Here are the skills that helped me develop my personal SELF…DEVELOPMENT.

1. Develop a growth mindset

No one wants to feel humiliated or embarrassed in front of others, and if we have a “fixed mindset” we usually avoid things that will challenge us. However, this can be problematic because it might make us avoid difficulties and novel experiences that would otherwise help us develop, significantly better ourselves, and build the life we want. 

If we have a “growth mindset,” we look forward to challenges despite the risks because we place a higher importance on learning and growing than having other people think we are an expert. For this reason, people with a fixed mindset frequently find it easier to acquire new talents since they truly feel they can do it.

2. Learn to think like an entrepreneur

Whether we have our own business or not, everyone may benefit from learning how to think like an entrepreneur. Why? Entrepreneurs have to be adaptive and capable of thriving in a variety of circumstances because they have to be creative, effective at planning for all possible outcomes, and skilled at persuading people to buy into their vision or ambition.

Learning to be entrepreneurial will help you realise your goals, whether they be to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, start a business that has a positive impact on the world, or prepare for an early retirement.

3. Relax and take care of yourself 

High levels of stress can hinder us from successfully pursuing and accomplishing our personal development goals in addition to being detrimental to our health and wellbeing. Your body and mind will be better prepared to manage the problems that will unavoidably emerge if you master some stress-reducing techniques. 

4. Strengthen your optimism reflex 

Sometimes life is difficult. Everybody goes through ups and downs. But not everyone reacts the same way to these ups and downs. Some people succumb to their hardships. Positive thinkers tend to not take things as personally and always see a lesson in every negative situation. It is crucial to cultivate a positive response because of this. The tough times won’t seem as bad if you can just be a little bit more upbeat. 

5. Develop a healthier relationship with your phone

So many people just get sucked into their phones or other devices, letting this object take over their time, headspace, and even emotions. It’s no wonder we have such a hard time building new skills these days when our attention is being eaten by tech. 

So many individuals let their phones or other electronic devices take control of their time, thoughts, and even emotions. With technology consuming so much of our attention now, it makes sense that we have such difficulty learning new skills. 

That’s why it’s so important to outsmart your smartphone—it is important to learn how to use tech in ways that are good for you.

6. Work on being more resilient. 

Being resilient is a crucial quality that enables you to get back up quickly after being knocked down. One of the most crucial success abilities is the ability to keep trying after failure because without it, none of us would ever succeed. So develop some resilience.

7. Remain focused on the present moment. 

We take each day as it comes when we are alert and present in the moment. Even when we are working towards a goal or a dream, we can more fully appreciate the journey and the great aspects of simply existing. 

I’ll admit that this is a skill I find challenging, but I know that my success is limited if I don’t master mindfulness, so I keep trying. Why don’t you give it a go and create your mindfulness skills.

8. Continue to improve in new ways. 

The science is clear: the more ways we grow as individuals, the more diverse our skill set and the greater our likelihood of success. Try developing new emotional abilities or engaging in activities that will help you do so. You never know what you’ll discover that could alter your entire life.

To sum up: The secret to success is personal SELF…DEVELOPMENT. 

The secret to obtaining whatever it is we want is to improve personally. Even if we might not always be successful, our chances of success increase with the number of tools we have in our toolbox.